Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cameron's New Look(s)

Always the clown, Cameron decided to go for the super-cool look, the somber look, the country boy look and the dead look.

Rebecca - Part Two

By the time we made it to the outdoor part of her session, Rebecca felt that she had done enough posing for one day!

Rebecca - Part One

Rebecca, 13 months, was really working it for the camera during her indoor session.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Gift for Grandma

Modelling is very hard work when you're only little. Hope Grandma loves her birthday gift this year.... some updated pics of Meg, Jack and Annie! They sure were patient and co-operative despite the blackflies, the humidity and the promises of "just a few more."

Little Cuties

Meg, Jack and Annie are probably the brightest, funniest, livliest children I know. They make me laugh every time I have the pleasure of seeing them!

More Brand New Boy

Cael was just over two weeks old at the time of this session and already so alert and brimming with personality!

A Brand New Boy!

Cael's newborn session was the first one I've done where Daddy had to keep calling "Makeup!" and fixing his baby's hair!

June Wedding - Part 3

Congratulations to Jeff & Tracey!

Monday, August 4, 2008

June Wedding - Part 2

The happy couple's young son, Matthew, was cute, charming and funny, all rolled into one little boy!

June Wedding - Part 1

Jeff and Tracey had lots of luck for their wedding day! A morning of hard, heavy rain turned into a hot sunny afternoon just in time for pictures.